10 Things To Think About Before You Move Abroad

It has never been easier to move to another country and many millennials especially decide to leave their home country behind and approach a totally different way of living. Here are 10 things to think about before you move abroad.

1. Friends

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Friends might be the hardest thing to leave behind when you move to another country. Even though you can have lots of contact with social media such as Skype and Facebook it is not the same. You might not even see them for many months, maybe years. Worst of all you might lose them. It can also be hard to make friends in the new country because of language barriers and different social norms.

2. Language

When you live in another country with a different language you can feel pressured into being able to speak it, especially after some time you might get questions like " you have lived here for 2 years, why are you not fluent?" If you move to a country where English is limited I suggest at least learning the basics so you can get around by yourself and also be safe if something happens.

3. Pension

In many cases, if you live and work in another country that doesn't have pension deals with your home country, what you earn in the new country might not be saved up in the pension in your home country.

4. Health

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As a Norwegian, I am used to free health care and I know a stay at a hospital will be converted, in most other countries it is not, therefore, health insurance is essential to get you covered. Private hospitals might have a better and quicker service than the public one that can cost you a lot.

5. Visa

Depending on where you come from and where you are going the visa process can be a long and challenging process. Often, you need to provide your income, references and an invitation letter.

6. Job opportunities

If you decide to move abroad it can be hard to bring it with you, unless you work remotely. Moving to a third-world country can be hard where it is difficult to get a job and get paid the same amount that you are used to.  Unless you are bringing your job with you it can easier to get a job as an English teacher, unless you are fluent in the language of the new country.

7. Culture differences

Horserider in the colourful streets of Trinidad, Cuba

Your new country might have a very different culture from your own. People might be more affectionate than your own or people have different traditions when eating, dancing or getting married. It can be hard to adjust to the different culture but I recommend reading up or talking to a person from the new country before you move there so you are more prepared.

8. A new political system and structure

Propaganda graffiti, Havana, Cuba

Many countries can be corrupt and how people respect the authorities can be quite different from your own. It is recommended that you get familiar with the political system of your new country especially related to the rules that might affect you on a regular basis.

9. Safety

You might be very familiar with what is safe and what is not in your home-country. It can be different from your new country. This might be the most important thing you should learn before you move to the new country. Typical things that are not safe is walking around after dark, not walking in a red district and robberies.

10. Personal growth

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The best thing about living abroad is that you will grow, as you will experience a totally different lifestyle and difficulties than you are used to.

Have you lived abroad or are you considering it?

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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